Job Interview Prep for Both Sides of The Table:

A collection of resources and opinions to help you navigate the tech job interview process regardless if you are looking for a job or a new team-member.


Programming & Software Engineering:

Interview methods and prep is a decisive topic. On the one hand you want to make sure whoever you hire knows how to program at the same time, it can be argued that the standard white-boarding exterzise is just hazing. You are not going to resolve this so you might as well prep:

I love this quote:

you don't need to know algorithms with somone's name on it for an interview but there are few exceptions, 1. Dijkstra's 2. Kadane's 3. Bellman ford - negative edges

Ok, so this is a little bit crazy: I'd not take it too seriously but it does have a ton of good resouces.

Machine Learning

I collected some A great reference is here

Interview Prep

General Interview Questions:

All Employeers: